I saw a lot of kind of movies in my life. The movie I was impressed is “Blood Diamond” and “Spirited Away”. First, I want to tell you about “Blood Diamond”. It is very good movie. I recommend you. Genre is suspense. The story is based on truth about Republic of Sierra Leone civil war from 1991 to 2000, so the movie is real. The civil war is relation to “Diamond”. It is called “conflict diamond”. Danny Archer (Leonardo Dicaprio), Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou), and Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly) are main characters in this movie. They find the diamond, but they have different wishes each other. They are “Freedom”, “Family” and “Truth”…. In fact, Africa has a like this problem now, so we need to think about this problem.
Next, is about “Spirited Away”. This movie is made by Hayao Miyazaki. He is a very famous director. This movie made a great record. Main character is Chihiro(Senn). Senn is not her real name. The name was given by Yubaba. Chihiro’s parents were spirited away, so Chihiro works at Spa for finding her parents. The chief of Spa is Yubaba, and the boy is called “Haku” who helps her. Chihiro will help her parents. The end of movie is very emotional, so I recommend this movie.
Next, is about “Spirited Away”. This movie is made by Hayao Miyazaki. He is a very famous director. This movie made a great record. Main character is Chihiro(Senn). Senn is not her real name. The name was given by Yubaba. Chihiro’s parents were spirited away, so Chihiro works at Spa for finding her parents. The chief of Spa is Yubaba, and the boy is called “Haku” who helps her. Chihiro will help her parents. The end of movie is very emotional, so I recommend this movie.
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